As you start to get older, it is important to be aware of any potential eye health problems that could come up. One of the age-related changes that commonly occur for many people over 50 is a decline in vision quality and clarity. There are several different issues that can affect your eyesight when you are aged 50 and above, some of which could have an impact on your everyday life. Here are the top five things that tend to go wrong with your eyesight after the age of fifty:
Presbyopia: This is a condition where the natural lens in our eyes starts to harden, making it more difficult for us to focus on objects close up. The severity of this condition is often noticed by people who find they need to hold reading materials further away in order to read them more clearly. Many people over fifty go through this as part of growing older and end up getting prescriptive eyeglasses or contact lenses as a result.
Cataracts: These cloudy patches form on the lens in your eye due to proteins building up over time and blocking out light. This can cause blurred vision, glare, double vision, and even color changes in your sight. Although cataracts can occur at any age, but the chances increase significantly for people who are over fifty years old. Surgery is usually needed to remove cataracts from a person’s eyes once they form.
Glaucoma: This is an issue where too much pressure builds up inside the eye’s optic nerve which can lead to significant damage over time if left untreated. It’s typically caused by an imbalance between how much fluid exists inside the eye versus how much pressure comes from outside sources like gravity and atmospheric pressure variations throughout the day. Symptoms include difficulty seeing shapes or colors as well as blurry areas surrounding objects in one’s line-of-sight—all of which should be checked out by an optometrist as soon as possible if sensed at all!
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): This degenerative condition affects central vision by causing damage or deterioration directly within the macula itself—the part of our retina responsible for sharp vision used predominantly for reading texts and recognizing fine details at distance! AMD can range from very mild cases (called dry AMD) all the way up through wet AMD which usually involves blurred spots surrounded by distorted shapes appearing near center field view—both types require regular follow-up visits with an ophthalmologist/optometrist every year or two depending on progression rate reported back post examinations conducted during such visitations!
Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetes has been known to lead towards a variety of complications involving one’s eyesight if not properly monitored with regular checkups done every few months—this includes instances where blood vessels near retina contract while new ones develop causing inflammation results resulting blurry spots interrupting normal line viewing patterns across entire visual field making it harder than before when examining digital printouts/photographs etcetera! With timely diagnosis treatment options exist yet still seek medical attention immediately without delays just incase found yourself facing such dilemma no matter what other circumstances might prevail at hand around same time period frame either leading you towards eventual resolution/relief whichever might apply best suited scenario applicable under present situation endured going forward accordingly then onwards onwards forthwith regard made included stated therein prior mentioned previously above noted itemized selection listed herein thusly intended overall detail purpose regards given summation thereof explained above!